Tuesday, April 22, 2008


...the Lord is My Shepherd!

What a promise in scripture that we can possess as our own in that the Creator of the universe is our Shepherd...the one who leads the way, carries us when we are weak, protects us from harm, and gives us a place to rest! I am finally understanding what David was talking about in Psalm 23. I always knew the Lord was my Shepherd, but right now in my life, He has become more evident in establishing His role as My Shepherd. 

I am overwhelmed with how He teaches each one of us more about His character in every season of our life! 

Ever since my Dad was diagnosed with cancer my days have been up and down on the scale of emotions. I have good days and then I have days that are overwhelmed with sadness. He is actually going to start treatment next week at MD Anderson so my role as a child is changing fast. The next 6 weeks are going to be filled with numerous trips to the hospital for treatment. My family and I are all going to be learning a lot in these months to come so prayers would be great! 

Support is going well, but there is still more to go! Right now I have $4,705 and I need to have $5,550...that means only $845 left!! I believe the Lord is working at this moment in providing. Please pray that all this money will come in as soon as possible! The sooner the better!! (If you are wanting to support me financially look at the previous post and it will walk you through what you need to do.) Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who have supported me!! I pray the Lord richly blesses you!

As far as preparation goes for Camp Life, I am attending our last meeting Sunday, April 27th. This will be the final push until I get to Zambia!! I will be getting my Camp Life T-Shirts, learning all the songs, getting the curriculum for the weeks I will be there, and much more! There are about 600 Americans going this summer, which means about 10,000 kids will get to come to Camp Life!! PRAISE THE LORD!! My heart is ready to be back with those precious kids!! 

I leave July 8...which means only 76 days until I leave the States to spend a month in Zambia...please keep praying for all the pieces to come together and for the Lord to be over every aspect!!

"You go before me and follow me. 
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!"
Psalm 139:5,7

I am overjoyed for He is still good...

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