There are so many things to be thankful for this week and I am not saying that just because Thanksgiving is a week away but for other things that were accomplished this week!! First of all...I am so thankful that it is the weekend! It's been one busy week at work and I am so glad that I have a couple days to relax, watch football, go to church, and see friends.
I finally finished my massive project I have been working on for the past couple of weeks. PRAISE THE LORD!! I just dropped the last bucket of mail at the post office on my way home tonight. Our precious children in our program throughout Lusaka wrote Thanksgiving Day letters to their sponsors. (There were about 1000 letters that had to be sent!! ) It was a BIG project for me and I got it done!! I am going to try to put one on here so you can just see how sweet, pure, innocent, and authentic they are. That has been one of my favorite things lately that I have been able to read some of these letters. It's almost like I can picture their faces as they are writing...

Also this week... my director put up a Camp LIFE 2009 Countdown.... :) We are at 177 days until we head off to Zambia!! We designed the t-shirts, selected the songs, the versus, the daily lessons, and....discussed what we are going to BLESS the children with!!! I can't wait!! [You Camp LIFE Alumni will love what we are going to do!! And for everyone else reading this...well you just need to come to Zambia to experience it for yourself... : ) ] This coming summer is going to be so amazing and I believe God is going to move like never before in the hearts of every child. To give you an idea of what will be taking place next summer here are few things you CAN know at the moment...everything else will have to wait for the team meetings in the Spring....
Camp LIFE 2009
Theme : Jesus Loves Me
Verse : John 3:16 (main verse)
Daily Lessons: How God displays His Love on us
Songs: All I can say is...HIGH ENERGY, UPBEAT, FUN...
(What else would you expect?? haha)
Things we are giving the children: I can't tell you.... : )
I wish I could tell you more, but I can't be the one to spill all the secrets. All I know is that this message is going to be so powerful because all of them come from such harsh, discouraging, unloving homes. I am so excited about continuing to watch the Lord move in big ways to make Himself known throughout the country of Zambia.
Along with the Thanksgiving Letters and Camp LIFE 2009 news....I have some fun updates from my kiddos! Holly brought back all these pictures and videos. It is so amazing to me of how God is in the midst of changing a country by working through the little children. a few (of many) pictures of my kids from Kamanga Community....(Heather and Holly are clearly the Americans with them...haha)
*Heather is at Maggie's House...they are eating ring pops!
*All the kids outside their home*
*All of the kids...*
*Ok...this is EMMA...remember her from this summer??
Well she is just LOVING being at the LIFEWAY Homes...she is such a light and I am so thankful the Lord rescued her from the horrific situation she was in. Oh and she just got "plats"...they are basically hair extensions to braid into their short shaved hair. I JUST LOVE THIS PICTURE AND THIS CHILD!!
*Here is sweet Susan with two favorites (besides Maggie)!
That about does it for the week...I want to tell each of you...THANK YOU!! You all are so encouraging and provide so much support through your prayers and friendships. I would not be here if it was not the Lord using you. It is such an honor to have you come alongside me and be a part of something so much bigger than we can grasp. Thanks to all of you for your financial support. God is providing and I am so humbled by it all! PRAISE GOD FOR YOU!
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for keeping up to date!! :)
Living for Jesus,
PS - I am probably going to change my URL address to something more simply like joyjanszen. I will let you know when the change happens but just a heads up.
The second picture of heather and holly and some of the kids, the random girl in the back with purple is one of my girls from week 2!!! If that isn't her then it looks just like her!! I am going to believe that it is! haha! Love you lots and I love reading your updates!