The past few days have been packed full of different things and it would take a lot to explain everything so I am going to hit some highlights...
On Thursday night we all went over to the Craig's house. They are an American family living here in Zambia. They have done our summer program several years and now they live here full time. Mr. Craig was assigned here to study the disease of Malaria; which has been a huge benefit to so many people. Anyways, we had a great "American" meal over there!
Lately, I have been able to go into so many compounds, kids, and the CRC's. One of my favorite things so far is doing food drops to some kids in need. We go with our bus driving Gilbert and we walk around in the grocery stores getting about $60 worth of food (which is about 300,000 kwacha). It doesn't seem that much, but it really goes far here!
Yesterday (Friday) was a fun day that started with a food drop for one of my favorite kids Beauty. She is 14 years old, a double orphan, suffering from Sickle Cell Disease, and lives with her aunt who has TB. She is one of the most spiritually mature girls and who is sooo good with english. I love hanging out with her so I went with Gilbert and brought her food. The day before I bought her some school shoes when we were in town, which was so fun to bless this precious child! She has already challenged me in knowing the word better!
Getting Ice Cream with Beauty
Dropping her off and showing her new clothes and shoes we got her

Another adventure we encountered yesterday was RAIN!!! It should not be raining at this time of year but it did yesterday and this morning. It was a new eye opener for me being in the compound watching the rushing waters taking over the streets. With just only 30 minutes of steady rain, the dynamics of the living situation of the people here changed. It was so hard for me to watch all of this because the water was coming into the homes and into a lot of the small side stores. It was really unbelievable. We were going to visit another Community Resource Center in the George Compound to meet some of our Discipleship Leaders and see where it was located. While we were preparing to leave, I noticed what buildings were located right down from our Resource Center...A huge Tavern! There were so many bars all right around us. It was in the heart of this community, which is good and bad all at the same time. Anyways, the kids were just gathered outside because they knew about "Muzungu's" being there and wanted to see us.
This is a video of what a compound looks like after it rains...
I will try to add another video but this will give you a glimpse of the rushing water
Today (Saturday) we went to a wedding of one of our staff members here in Zambia. It was quite different than what I am used to seeing the states. For example, the wedding "started at 9am"; however, no one showed up until 10:30 and the ceremony didn't start until 11am. We actually got there 10 till 9am thinking that everyone would be there already, but we forget that we need to be on Zambian Time (which is showing up a lot later than what you say...). It was fun to see the differences between the cultures. This afternoon we went out to the Tree of LIFE Village to see the progress on all the homes and structures. We can't wait to put kids in these homes! It is getting closer with every day.
The Amazing Cooks at the Tree of LIFE
A Staple Meal in Zambia: Nshima, Chicken, Cabbage, and Soup
*I have grown to love this and it really is sooo good!!
When we were at the Tree of LIFE we had this for lunch.

I hope you all are doing well. Please pray for energy, rest, and time with the Lord. I am still trying to adapt to the time change and get used to the schedule. Also, be praying over the next 3 weeks...we are trying to open our children's village in that time and a lot of decisions need to be made. Thanks so much!
For the Glory of HIS Name,
I LIVE in "Zambian time!!" I can so relate. I would love it there! :-) Love you and miss you. We pray for you every day and miss your beautiful smile! So thankful the people of Zambia are being blessed by it though!