Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moving Day!

I know that it's' been quite some time since I last updated but to be honest, there hasn't been much happening. I mean...I guess there has, but you get it. :) I actually have some fun news to share...I am moving!! Bittersweet to say the least. I have LOVED living with Brent and Judy this past year. They have been encouraging through it all and have constantly allowed their door to be open for me to stay here. Thank you Jesus, for the hospitality of these I have lived with! It has been so fun to do life with them and share the joys and sorrows of every day life. God designed it perfectly that my aunt and I would be walking through similar seasons together. What a privilege it was been to lock arms with a woman who is not only my aunt, but a dear friend and sister! 
We are 3....Karen, Andrea, and Me

So..back to the NEWS...I am moving in with a precious widow, Karen! She is Judy's best friend and it was all ordained by the Lord. I will be moving in the next week or so. And in addition, Andrea (another God thing and too long to explain) is moving in with us this week too!  What an adventure ahead it will be to begin a new journey with two Godly women. My time here, is my Jerusalem. Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) I had the opportunity to teach this morning (Sunday) to a small group of girls in 11th grade about the great commission and one of the things we looked at is where God has called us and sent us out to be witnesses....Jerusalem (locally : neighborhood, church, school, etc), Judea (regionally : county, state, etc), and Samaria (globally : crossing the boarder, unfamiliar places, etc), and into the ends of the Earth.

I never thought to ask myself...what is my Jerusalem? Why am I here now? What is my purpose for where I am? And I NOW know...that I am to remain here (in my Jerusalem) until the Lord calls me to go to another place. To pour into those around me. To be a voice of God's word. 

Please be praying for the transition, for the steps ahead, and for God to place me with those He wants to speak to! Praise Him that this is all about Lord...for His ways and thoughts are higher than mine!

Much love,

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