Thursday, January 21, 2010

Disciple Now 2010

Last weekend I had the privilege of being a leader at Disciple Now at First Baptist Hurst. I was placed with 25 seniors!! It was sooo much fun!! We all stayed at 1 house so it was a little crazy as you can imagine sleeping in just about every place. :) The weekend included: worship lead by the David Hassel Band, teaching by a guest speaker, a picture scavenger hunt (pictures below), bringing sack lunches and hot chocolate to the homeless in Ft Worth, dodgeball, broom ball on the ice rink, and a time of intimate worship in setting our hearts on the Lord. We had great small group (it was still large with 25 girls...haha) discussions regarding who we are in the Lord and finding our identity in Him. Our theme for D'NOW was Roots. I am so thankful for all the conversations I had with the girls. I love getting to know people, hear their story, and simply coming alongside them as we run after Jesus together. God moved in all of us this past weekend and my prayer is that He would continue to rend our hearts to Him!

Here are some pictures from D'NOW...all of these are a part of our scavenger hunt Friday night

Some of my girls "underwater"...

The group with our "feet off the ground"

My girls being "wall art"

We had to make a "human target"
During worship...

Karen, Judy, and I at broom ball... I think it's become one of my new favorites!!
Sunday morning...
25 them all!!

Today (Friday), I am heading down to San Antonio for a volleyball tournament!! I'm so excited!! First of all, I love road trips. Secondly, it's San Antonio. Thirdly, I'm hoping to get to see my sister and a few friends along the way!! Please keep my volleyball girls in your prayers. Pray that God would provide opportunities to share with them about who He is. I have already seen some ways He is doing just that! :)

Also, continue to pray for a place to live. The Lord has completed my time with Karen. Her son and his family will be moving in with her next month. I am needing to find a place to move quickly. I am not sure on where or with whom. I am beginning to feel a little anxious in seeking that out, but it becomes difficult when I am babysitting all day and then volleyball practice at night. I believe the Lord is preparing that place, but it hasn't been revealed to me yet. Pray that God would open the door and move quickly!!

Lastly, I feel like the Lord is leading me to start a bible study/small group with some of the girls in the youth group from church. I am so excited about this opportunity and the time I will get to spend with them. It brings such joy to my heart in being able to walk alongside these girls at their age and do life with mentor, disciple, or just hang out...I am thankful for it all! God is moving mightly and my prayer is that He will use this to further His name! I have nothing to really offer them, but God does. I am humbled to be where I am and so excited to see what is to come!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

For the Glory of His Name,


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