life is full of light and shadows.

the cross of christ is casting a shadow on us. he is the object. the person. the one who is standing in the gap between us and his father. who is the magnificent glorious light. in that shadow there is hope. our eyes are opened. to see the great love the father had and still has for us. our God views us through his son. not seeing our dark hearts or sin. but seeing one who is purified. cleansed. restored. redeemed. all through his son's death on the cross - burial - and powerful resurrection. what inexpressible joy we have in him who has saved us. the shadow of the cross is where i am found.
i recently came across a song sung by the david crowder band. it's titled shadows (reason for this post). what new meaning it brought forth.
when shadows/darkenss fall on us.
we will not fear. we will remember.
we will remember the cost.
we are resting in the shadow of the cross.
joy!! i love this. and i LOVE that david crowder song too. i love the whole album. i don't know if you have the whole thing but another one of my faves is Shine. miss you friend!