Monday, May 3, 2010


my heart has been wrestling a lot with what to share. too many things that it has been difficult to place words down to even describe. i have been overwhelmed with God's goodness. past. present. and what is to come. when you recognize the very touch of God's hand. the guidance of His mighty staff. and the call of His voice. you then can say yes. YES! i am following the One who has gone before me. he has cut covenant with me. he has set before me the path to take. for he prepared this way for me to take long ago. it may look different to those around me. but this is the way i must go. i have to fulfill the assignment. the task given unto me.

i have been challenged lately to look back on my life. to find the stones of remembrance. to be reminded of my faithful God. whom i follow and serve. even to think upon significant moments of my life brings tears to my eyes. God has been so good. more than i deserve. His word is filled with promises. not just to be read and known. but to be proclaimed by His children. he has set us apart to be used by Him to further His kingdom.

one of my stones of remembrance is having the honor to visit the orphans and vulnerable children of Zambia, Africa. my time spent there is forever etched in my memory. i was not prepared for the impact it would have upon my life. God knew though. :) a little bit of life changing to say the least.

recalling the stories. the children. the people. the transformation. all of it stirs up such emotion in me. emotion that is full of joy from the Lord. just recently i have had 2 different family members (my 11 yr niece & cousin) interview me about my time in africa. they both are doing a project for school. i was honored to tell them stories once again. every story told. described. i relived. it felt as though i was just there yesterday. as i remembered. my heart got tender. tender because i saw the graciousness of God. His kindness. His love. His mercy. His redeeming power. i got to witness with my very own eyes. lives being radically transformed. what a privilege. All Glory is His!

i can see their faces now. full of love. full of joy. full of life. thank you Jesus for watching over them. thank you for making beauty out of the ashes.

to my zambian family...i will always carry you close to my heart. i am so thankful and grateful unto our God for allowing me to serve with you. thinking about you brings a smile to my face. love in my heart. and joy to my soul. you all have changed my life. thank you for letting God use you to make a difference in me. i praise the Lord for you all. i am humbled to tell the stories on this side of the world. may our living God be praised!

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