Sunday, June 13, 2010

what stirs you?

that has been a question that i believe will continue to be answered throughout life. as i was looking back through sermon notes from the village church, i came across it once again...

What stirs your heart and mind up for Jesus Christ?

Paul addresses it in the book of Colossians, but there again the answer is different for each one of us. it's a question we must answer. we can't ignore the weight of it. do you have a genuine affection for Christ? are you wholly following the Lord?
what is it that turns your head? is it the things of this world? is it being successful? is it achieving a goal? or being awarded for what you have done? what is it that keeps you going? what is your purpose for waking up each day? what is it that keeps you pressing forward?

we have to filter through what we are and find who we are. its a process of being honest. transparent. real. and then when it's all stripped away and pulled back you see the very core of who you are. saved by grace alone. bought with the very blood of Jesus Christ. He alone is the core of who i am. why i live each day. he is the reason why my heart is stirred. why i have joy. love. laughter. hope. grace. and freedom. for He brings restoration to my soul.

as you believe. proclaim. and stand upon the truth of who you are in Christ. you must answer the next question...

how is your mind set on christ?

the mind is constantly battling the words of the world. it is a part of us that struggles the most. it is deceived easiest. and it is the place where satan attacks us consistently. you must define what truth is in your mind so that when false words or unbelief come you will be able to discern between them. guarding your mind is a daily battle. we must shield it from the smallest attacks. we must fill our minds with Christ and Him alone. we must KNOW our Maker in a deeper way. by seeing Him in all things. giving thanks for even the basics of life, such as being able to even read these very words and to have the mind to think upon such things. when we recognize Him then we are stirred. stirred to seek him out with greater pursuit. to genuinely know our almighty God. not withholding anything.

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