Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The final days...

WOW! I cannot even believe that I will be getting on a plane in just a few short days and moving to Zambia for 3 1/2 months. God has been so good in calming my heart and preparing me for what is to come. Thank you for praying for me as I embark on a new journey. Continue to be praying for every step to go smoothly from our travel, to opening the Tree of LIFE village, to sharing the gospel with those who have never heard.

Last weekend I drove down to Waco to spend time with some of my best friends...it is always so refreshing for my heart to be with them and I truly cherish our friendship as well as the time we get to spend together. All day Saturday I got to spend the day with one of my longest and dearest friends, Julie Anna Hammett (formerly Aboussie :) ). We ate lunch at Panera and then ventured over to the suspension bridge where we walked around by the river and just talked. We haven't been able to do that since before her wedding in January so it really was a blessing to get quality time with one of my best friends. Jules has been one to always listen, support, challenge, give advice, and simply knows where you are in life. She is a woman of encouragement and full of zeal. There is never a dull moment with her and we (as well as our families) have developed a deep bond between us that only gets stronger as the years go by. We have been friends for now 17 years!!!

After that, I headed over to Johanna's apartment to stay the night with her. I had the priviledge of discipling Johanna my Senior year (her sophomore year) of college. It was and is a friendship that I cherish and will always continue to have. She and I have a unique friendship and it's as if we are sisters. We have walked through many seasons of life together and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She as grown so much and I am amazed at her wisdom, courage, joy, and discernment. She is a little sister who always wants to be in "the know" about things. I can't believe she is about to graduate and begin a new chapter in her life. We woke up the next morning and went to church at Antioch, grabbed a quick lunch and said our goodbyes.

After church, I ran over to Common Grounds (a famous coffee stop in Waco) to see Kaitlyn. She is another girl I discipled my Senior year of college. She is a junior now, but I still feel like she is a freshman. We sat at Common Grounds and really got to hear how each other was doing. Kaitlyn has become a woman of depth and one who is so intentional. When we get time together there is no messing around, but only authenticity. We chatted for awhile and then I saw a few other friends as they were stopping in to get a caffeine fix for studying. I always love coming back through Waco because it not only brings back such great memories but it allows me to see so many people I cherish and love so much!

Spending time with those girls encouraged my heart so much! Knowing they are supporting me 100% and praying for me every step of the way is more than I could ask for. I love you each and I am so thankful for how God has blessed me through you! I can't wait to hear what God does in your life over the next few weeks and months!

Thanks again to all of you!! So many of y'all have played such a significant part in my life. I know that the days, weeks, and months ahead of me will be filled with challenges, joys, decisions, opportunities, trials, triumphants, prayers, and victories.

As you all know by now, I leave Sunday, May 3 at 5:30pm from DFW. I fly to London with a 12 hour lay over and then straight south to Lusaka, Zambia. I'll hopefully post one more time before I leave.

Let the adventure begin... :)

Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for you, Joy! We love you and we believe in your mission!!! I can't wait to hear all of the stories and see all of the faces of the people you will touch!
