Here are a few pictures from when I got to hang with with a few
of my favorite campers from Kanakuk last week....
Sally Higgins and Lucy Ryan
*Sally brought 17 boxes full of donations
for our kids in Zambia!! yay!! Thanks Sally :)
(ps-notice the big posters we have of Zambian children...
we have those all over my office...
I mean how can you not love them??)
*Lucy met up with Sally and I for dinner at Chilis. I don't think
I've laughed that hard in a long time..What a fun night it was!!
*I love these girls! We met in 2007 and
our friendship is one that I truly cherish!
*By the way...I have 32 days until I leave for Zambia, Africa!!
Joy! I think you are starting to look a little older!!