Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the journey to uganda
Monday, September 6, 2010
August Updates
September Updates
To learn more on what I will be doing in Kampala, Uganda over the next few weeks, click here.
Thankful for you all!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
a sermon & a book
Monday, July 19, 2010
i love this example of the blind men believing that Jesus is able to heal them. they had not seen any other miracles but chose to believe this man because of what they heard. it was simple for them to believe and trust. there was no hesitation but confidence in the one who was asking them. what a challenging statement..."do you believe that I am able?" i think we want to quickly say "yes, Lord". but do we really believe it can happen? do we really believe that God is able? the only obstacle in the way of us seeing God work miracles is our unbelief. we are hindering Him. He is able to do it. He just desires for His children to believe Him. may it be "according to our faith" when we see the hand of God working. knowing that by believing in what He is able to do will allow Him to prove Himself to us. He is yearing for us to believe Him. even when when we don't think it's possible.
Friday, July 16, 2010
i spent the last few days reading through 1 peter, luke, and psalms. each verse i read seemed more convicting, more comforting, and with more clarity. i am thankful for the time i was given to peel off another layer. to see the areas i am lacking in. and to find the one thing that is worthy.
i love realizing more promises from the word. i love that each promise was put there for us. sometimes it's hard to take what was written centuries ago and apply that same promise to our lives now. God's word is alive and active, right? if that is true, then what we read today that was written long ago, can certainly be seen in our lives. we have to let the word read us. we shouldn't try to make God's word fit into lives, but make our lives fit into His. His word is the standard. the base foundation of who we are.
in a way...well in a lot of ways, this verse is very applicable to me. peter was writting believers who were suffering. he could not be with them so all that he could do was encourage them through words. he identified them as "God's elect/chosen one's". what a privilege that our Lord chooses us to use. peter also makes it clear that all those that he is writing are "strangers in the world, scattered throughout". meaning this world is and was not their home. they were nomads. moving around from place to place. they were not in one location for an extended period of time. their home was not in this world. as God directed them, they would go. trusting. obeying. and willing for the sake of Christ.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
time spent well
Sunday, June 13, 2010
what stirs you?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
10 days
Stop #1 : Conway, AR
i spent the first couple days with one of my best friends, Emily. we basically played the whole time i was there. we climbed pinnacle mtn in a huge thunderstorm, ventured to the top of the peabody hotel to get the last glimpses of a beautiful sunset, and then ate at flying fish. a unique fish cousine in downtown little rock. we stayed up talking until the late hours of the night. oh how i love those moments. i am so thankful for this friend. what a blessing it was to get time with her! (pictures coming soon...)
Stop #2 : Fayetteville, AR
from conway i headed to northwest arkansas to spend time with two other of my best friends, garrett and stephanie peters. we did so many different things which doesn't surprise me with these two...probably my most adventurous friends i have! i love it though because you just never know what you will be doing. :) steph and i found a mullberry tree at this park we walked at. if you haven't tried mullberries, you should! we cooked fajitas (one of my favorite meals), played phase 10, played settlers of catan, went to the farmer's market downtown, planted some fruits and veggies, hiked around natural falls, ate at a catfish house, played put put, went to church, and ate some more. it was soo much fun to see them and get extended time at their house! definitely wish i lived closer!
from sunday until friday i was at kamp. i just love that place. i spent 5 summers working there and it never gets old...well kamp doesn't, but i do. :) now that i am 25, i have past campers who are now counselors. some of those are even on leadership. it's crazy how time flies and now my kids have their own kids. what joy it brings to my heart to see my campers investing into other students. to challenge them in their walk with the Lord. to share the ups and downs of life with them. and to point them to the cross. there is no greater privilege.
every conversation i had and time spent with my dearest friends and past campers was more than i could ask for. the fellowship i had during these 10 days was truly refreshing to my soul and spirit. each friend the Lord has graciously blessed me with have sharpened, refined and challenged to become more like Him.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
a gift
there is just one story to be shared that depicts a beautiful illustration of grace. it happened last saturday night when i attended a launching party for a new christian company (another blog to explain "Halle Joy"). anyways, we were learning more about our role, responsibilities, and the logistics of it all. somewhat overwhelming, but altogether exciting. many emotions were felt that evening that in the end i began to cry. expressing this emotion rarely comes when in public, but at times it's good to cry. being completely real even though many people are wondering why someone is so upset about an exciting event. :)
that night i had to make a commitment and either be in or out. i was going back and forth weighing out the pros and cons. i knew this opportunity would only come once, but wasn't certain on how i could pull it off and make it work when i don't have a clue how to do it. however, through the tear filled eyes i knew i needed to take the step. doing this would take courage, boldness, faith, trust, dependability, and obedience. i was on the fence between comfortable and uncomfortable. the problem with that is...the fence. trying to be on both sides. not fully on one or the other. i had to make a choice.
and in faith i stepped. believing some how, some way my Lord would provide. i was believing that He would equip me for this. i didn't have the attributes, character qualities, or giftings as others did thus i was feeling even more inadequate. i didn't know how i would pull this off or how to even begin. and in that moment i felt the Lord say.."you don't know how to do this, but I do. Don't you trust me? Don't you believe that I will make a way for you? All you have to do is believe me!" I had to trust Him more then my feelings. more then what i could see with my eyes. I had to believe. I had to obey. I had to step outside my comfort zone. depending on Him wholeheartedly with every breath. the story of Abraham came to mind when the Lord asked him to go to this land that I will show you, even though you don't know where to go (Heb. 11:8). I'm sure Abraham felt similar emotions, but then again He obeyed and went.
as the night came to an end, God came through for me. He came through in ways that I can't quite describe on a blog. he provided a way for all of this to be possible. he took care of the finances that i was so worried about. he gave me a gift (paid in full...debt free). that i did not deserve. it was by His grace alone that i am where i am today. He is paving the path. this new opportunity has been given FROM Him and it is truly FOR Him. i firmly believe that God does not call the equipped, but He equips the called.
just as the brandon heath song says.."Don't get comfortable. I am going to move this mountain and then I am going to move you through." that is just what the Lord did that night.
as i experienced this act of grace from a family hit me even heavier because i was reminded of the gift of grace through the cross of Jesus Christ. we don't deserve to be saved, but God so desired us to be. He gave His only son for us. as a gift. to atone for our sins. our life is paid in full. debt free. what a mighty God we have who watches over all of us. who takes care of our every need. and who loves us unconditionally. HE IS JEHOVAH-JIREH!
Monday, May 17, 2010
a little behind
Monday, May 3, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy April!
A few pictures from the past 2 weeks...
Love these girls!
Madeline, Me, and Kailey
I brought home a few things from New Orleans for my nieces
(one of yet to be delievered to Raylee who lives in New Braunfels)
We finished 3rd at the Dallas Lonestar Qualifier! Being silly! I love these girls!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
new places
Probably one of my favorite things to watch! :)
part of the old buildings and
then the new modern buildings in the background
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010
In sickness & in health
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
In fast forward
Thursday, March 4, 2010
time is flying
one of my favorite things that happened last weekend was on saturday night. after i finished day one of my tournament, i got to hang out with a few senior girls in my small group. i had been talking to them about Baylor Sing so we busted out the dvd's i had. it was so fun to laugh, talk about memories, and watch all the different acts. theses girls are awesome and i feel so privileged that God has allowed me to cross paths with them. they are all going to be a part of the bible study we are lauching next tuesday! i'm so excited about that!!
the majority of this week has been filled with babysitting, volleyball practice, preparing for the upcoming bible study, a tournament this weekend, and going to austin, tx to watch yet again my camper, sally higgins, play in the state tournament. i don't normally do spontaneous and spur of the moment trips, but i figured this will be the last time to see her play in high school. it's going to be a crazy next 36 hours, but well worth every minute! she plays tomorrow morning at 10am!! :)
please be praying over the bible study many of the juniors and seniors from church have signed up to commit to. we are doing beth moore's believing God study. i did this study exactly 3 years ago this same time. pray that God would move heavily in the hearts of the girls. that we all would see, know, understand, and experience the love of Christ in a deeper way. also, pray that God would annoint my mouth with His words and that it would be Him speaking and not me. pray that i would continue to move myself out of the way so that Jesus can be clearly seen. we have 10 weeks ahead of us that will be one incredible journey.
for the glory of HIS name.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Road Trip to West Texas
Thursday, February 18, 2010
the wonder of it all
not only does God speak through His creation. but he also does through His people. it amazes me what He reveals through short or long conversations. let Him speak to you. listen. be sensitive to His spirit. recognizing His ways are much higher than ours. and when you can not see His invisible works. believe. in hope. may it be that our spirit is strengthened due to the unseen acts of the Lord. remember. HE IS FOR US. a beautiful promise of our mighty God who is contstantly pursuing us.